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August 7, 2015 By CBMW Guest
Inevitably, as soon as children come into our lives, the comparison game begins. In the early days discussions regarding sleeping, eating, and diaper habits consume our conversations. Soon afterwards, we progress to comparing and contrasting the brilliance of our child’s language skills, walking dexterity, or artistic abilities. These conversations can slowly turn from simple observations...
August 2, 2015 By CBMW Guest
I think it is safe to assume that most believers are familiar with the many Biblical passages that speak of children as gifts. They are considered a blessing, and inheritance, like arrows in the hand of a man who wants arrows, they are referred to as fruit, and as a reward. There are promises surrounding...
July 30, 2015 By Owen Strachan
I recently talked with a young writer who wondered whether it is ethical to call people who experience same-sex attraction (SSA) to practice celibacy. I answered a rather straightforward “yes.” It might be helpful to explain why, but if you are only up for reading one paragraph, here is the heart of my answer: Jesus....
July 29, 2015 By Courtney Reissig
One of the things I’ve admired and noticed about my husband in recent years is the way he seamlessly transfers his training and giftings from one role to the next.  Although he went to school for engineering, he no longer technically works in the engineering field.  Instead, he has transferred much of his knowledge about...
July 27, 2015 By Candice Watters
When the children in C. S. Lewis’s Chronicles of Narnia are preparing to meet Aslan for the first time, Susan asks Mr. Beaver about the Lion’s approachability. “Is he — quite safe?” she wonders. “Safe? says Mr. Beaver. “Who said anything about safe? Course he isn’t safe. But he’s good.” Once while sampling a CCM...
July 20, 2015 By Greg Gibson