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October 28, 2015 By CBMW
In the midst of the deafening, gale-force winds of the spirit of the age, someone has stood up, cleared his throat, and said, “We cannot be silent.” We Cannot Be Silent, the title of Dr. Albert Mohler’s newest book, represents decades worth of academic and cultural engagement by one of the leading lights of our time...
October 26, 2015 By Greg Gibson
Last time I sought to lay out a brief biblical summons to God-glorifying, gospel-fueled ambition. He has vested us as men with leadership in our homes, our churches, and in some measure, our jobs and relationships. We do not to live lives void of real meaning, God has made us for a mission while we...
October 22, 2015 By Greg Gibson
From the moment we are born, our lives center around our daily routines. We rise with the sun and sleep when it sets. We work during the week and rest on the weekend. Our bellies are quick to tell us when we miss one of our thrice daily meals. We attend school during the fall,...
October 21, 2015 By Greg Gibson
I don’t know about you, but I am easily energized by the grind. In fact, when summer hits, and I intentionally go at a slower pace, I find myself falling into a funk because I’m away from a vigorous schedule and routine.  In both seasons, however, (the crazy pace and the slower pace), there should be...
October 16, 2015 By Greg Gibson
I am a mother to three precious cowboys. I could also describe them as walking tornados who love adventure, sports, and rodeo. Now aged 4, 6 and 8, these boys stretch me in ways I didn’t know I could be stretched. And while I delight in their boyish antics most of the time, I also...
October 14, 2015 By Greg Gibson
In the lead-up to fall I’ve talked with two friends who are thinking about homeschooling. Both are slightly panicky at the prospect. I can relate. When we decided halfway through our firstborn’s kindergarten year to un-enroll him and teach him at home, my “what now?” phone call was to a homeschooling veteran. She not only...