10.21.2015. — CBMW

Men, Remember These Awesomely-Ordinary Things

by Greg Gibson

I don’t know about you, but I am easily energized by the grind. In fact, when summer hits, and I intentionally go at a slower pace, I find myself falling into a funk because I’m away from a vigorous schedule and routine.  In both seasons, however, (the crazy pace and the slower pace), there should be great joy. Because in all seasons, our manhood is unchanging. No matter the season you find yourself in right now, remember these awesomly-ordinary things, and pursue them:

ONE: Love your wife. First and foremost, chase after her. Pursue her. Date her. Love her and hold her in high esteem. I firmly believe this is the greatest apologetic to your neighbors—how you love and pursue your spouse and children in front of them. In this, they we will see Jesus.

TWO: Lead your kids. It’s easy to fall into rhythms of being reactionary in our parenting. There is no room for margin in allowing anyone else to parent and lead our children. Teach them daily about Jesus. Do this when you eat dinner together, when you take walks, when you drive down the road, at bath time, and when you tuck them into bed. Remember, though, your life will be the greatest apologetic to your children. What’s that age old saying—Everything is more caught than taught?

THREE: Serve your local church. It’s easy to go through rhythms of serving and not serving in our local churches. As a pastor, I see this all the time. Men who don’t serve. Men who don’t lead in their local church. Men who are passive about their own growth. There is no time for this if we truly believe we are passing down the gospel to the next generation. How you lead and serve in your local church will be the greatest apologetic to the next generation in your local church.

FOUR: Pursue the Great Commission. As you develop your priorities each week/month/year (finances, schedule, etc.), develop them through the lens of your participation in the Great Commission. Are you giving to your local church? Does your local church give to global missions? Does your family participate in global missions by giving, going, and praying? This is so important. Furthermore, how are living a missional life at work? In your city? To your neighbors? These are all things that define you as a biblical man.

FIVE: Teach others to do the same. It’s not enough to live this way, but we must be men who teach other men to live this way. We must be Titus 2 men who pass down the truths of the gospel to other men—young and old alike. Who are you mentoring? Who are you discipling? Who are you bringing into your life as love your wife, lead your kids, serve your church, and pursue the Great Commission?

Again, I don’t know about you, but a man who lives in these simple, practical 5 ways has lived a life well-lived. These are the sort of things that make the enemy tremble. And these are the sort of ordinary things that bring great glory to God.



  • Greg Gibson

    In addition to his role at CBMW, Greg serves as an executive elder and the family ministries pastor at Foothills Church in Knoxville, TN, overseeing the crib through college life-stage teams. Under his leadership at FC, the student ministry team has witnessed a tremendous response growing from 6 teenagers to over 400 teenagers and 100+ volunteers in the last 5-years. The kids ministry team at FC under his leadership developed 3 different life-stage ministries and oversees 150+ volunteers and hundreds of families. Greg also founded Veritas Press in January 2016. Veritas Press exists to create small books for human flourishing. He is the author of: (forthcoming, 2016) Passion, Posture, Pursuit: A Biblical Manhood Primer (Veritas Press) (forthcoming, 2016) The Disciple-Making Parent: Discipleship in the Rhythms of Daily Life (Veritas Press) (forthcoming, 2016) Crib to College: A Primer for Family Ministry in the Local Church (Veritas Press) Date Different: A Short (but honest) Conversation on Dating, Sex & Marriage for Teenagers (and their parents) (2015) Building a Marriage Culture: Renewal in the Ruins (co-editor and contributor) (2015) Reformational Manhood: Creating a Culture of Gospel-Centered Warriors (2013) Greg’s writing has appeared at The Gospel Coalition, the Council on Biblical Manhood & Womanhood, Gospel-Centered Discipleship, the Journal on Biblical Manhood & Womanhood, Outreach Magazine, Answers Magazine, and more. Greg speaks all over the country at conferences, trainings, and other events. He is currently working on a doctorate in leadership at Southern Seminary. He received a M.Div. in Biblical and Theological Studies from SBTS, and a B.A. in Biblical Studies from Boyce College. He currently resides in Knoxville, TN with his wife, Grace, and their two children–Cora and Iver.

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