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June 14, 2019 By Matt Damico
BIRMINGHAM, AL — The Southern Baptist Convention adopted a resolution that borrows language from the Nashville Statement to address matters of sexuality and identity at its annual meeting this week. The SBC is the latest example of evangelical institutions – which includes seminaries, colleges, and state conventions – adopting the Nashville Statement in part or...
June 11, 2019 By Jonathan Ahlgren
One mission of CBMW is to help Christians think through secular and ecclesial trends on gender and sexuality. Through this work, we pore over a lot of different news reports and articles as we attempt to wade through the ceaseless flow of information on the web. In our weekly Gender and Sexuality News Roundups, we aim...
June 8, 2019 By Jonathan Swan
The Centrality of Hospitality to the Christian Life The sweet melody of Psalms put to four-part harmonies; table fellowship over simple soup and loaves of communion bread; children’s laughter and muddy feet; and wet shoulders from the tears of grieving neighbors. This is a glimpse into the intricate yet glorious picture of a Christian home...
June 8, 2019 By Jonathan Swan
Cynthia Westfall is an assistant professor of New Testament at McMaster Divinity College in Ontario, Canada. She has presented and published broadly on topics related not only to the New Testament, Greek exegesis, and hermeneutics, but also discourse analysis, linguistics, and sociological criticism of the New Testament. In this book, she argues that Paul subverted...
June 8, 2019 By Jonathan Swan
In the mid 1980s a young Southern Seminary student named Albert Mohler was walking across the campus quad with the esteemed professor Dr. Carl F. H. Henry. At one point, the professor asked the student about his views on men’s and women’s roles, and the young student replied with his view, which was then fashionable...
June 8, 2019 By Jonathan Swan
Palmer, as a human dignity attorney who has focused heavily on sanctity of life issues, I’m sure you watched with dread as the New York legislature passed—and celebrated—a late-term abortion bill this past January. What, in your view, is causing the shift from the former “safe, legal, and rare” abortion mindset to the shift of...