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March 14, 2023 By CBMW
LOUISVILLE, KY – Tuesday, March 14th marks the official release day of CBMW’s new curriculum, Male and Female He Created Them. CBMW President Denny Burk and Executive Director Colin Smothers have teamed up with David Closson from the Family Research Council to produce an eight-week study for the church on gender, sexuality, and marriage. This...
February 22, 2023 By CBMW
On Monday, twelve Anglican archbishops published a remarkable letter officially denouncing the Church of England and the leadership of Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury. The context of this growing rift in one of the world’s largest Christian denominations is the recent meeting of the Church of England’s General Synod and the decision to allow...
January 17, 2023 By Denny Burk
Editor’s note: The following essay appears in the Fall 2023 issue of Eikon. Feminist theologians have long wrestled with the question of God’s gender. In particular, they have chafed against naming God as “Father” and even against Jesus’ incarnation in a male body. As Mary Daly famously wrote, “If God is male, then the male...
December 13, 2022 By CBMW
Editor’s note: This essay was originally published by Barnabas Magazine: Republished with permission.   June 24, 2022, was a momentous day for which we should give thanks to God—wherever we live. The biblical conviction that every human life has dignity (because all are created in the image of God) lies at the foundation of...
November 16, 2022 By Jonathan Swan
Editor’s note: The following essay appears in the Fall 2022 issue of Eikon. Words not only bear distinct meanings, but the way they are employed reflects back on the cultures that coin them. So, forexample, one evidence of the hyper-sexualized culture in which we live is the way the term “sexy” — which used to have...
November 16, 2022 By Jonathan Swan
Editors note: the following book review appears in the Fall 2022 issue of Eikon. James, Sharon. The Lies We are Told, the Truth We Must Hold: Worldviews and Their Consequences. Fearn, Scotland: Christian Focus, 2022. Mature Christians are developed through a steady diet of the meaty truths of Scripture, and it is these who have...