LOUISVILLE, KY – Tuesday, March 14th marks the official release day of CBMW’s new curriculum, Male and Female He Created Them. CBMW President Denny Burk and Executive Director Colin Smothers have teamed up with David Closson from the Family Research Council to produce an eight-week study for the church on gender, sexuality, and marriage.
This new curriculum is aimed at Christians who are facing challenging questions with the rise of LGBT ideology on topics like homosexuality, transgenderism, gender dysphoria, intersex conditions, preferred pronouns, and more. The study is broken down into eight chapters that guide readers through the Bible’s teaching on gender, sexuality, and marriage. Male & Female He Created Them gives Christians with a biblical foundation that starts in Genesis 1 and 2 with God’s good design in making mankind male and female in His image.
CBMW President Denny Burk, co-author of the study, commented, “It is our aim in this study to help God’s people think God’s thoughts after Him on marriage, sexuality, and gender. We wish to bring the message of the Bible to bear upon some of the most contested issues of our time. And we want readers to know the glorious gospel of Christ who loves us and gave Himself for us.”
One unique feature of this eight-week study is the accompanying video lectures from faithful Christian teachers like Albert Mohler, Heath Lambert, H. B. Charles, Christopher Yuan, Denny Burk, and Colin Smothers, and testimony from Rosaria Butterfield. These videos are available for free online to those who purchase the study, and can be used in small group settings, Sunday School classrooms, or Bible study fellowships. Each chapter also has dozens of discussion questions, with answers provided, that can help leaders facilitate group study.
FRC’s David Closson, one of the co-authors, said, “The heart behind this study is helping Christians think faithfully around the issues that have taken our culture, and many of our churches, by storm. Our hope is that readers will be equipped to think biblically about marriage, sexuality, and transgenderism. We will also want to provide guidance on specific questions related to “preferred pronouns,” identity, intersex-conditions, and other matters that our churches must be discipling their members to respond to with love and biblical conviction.”
CBMW Executive Director Colin Smothers, who is also one of the co-authors, added, “In the aftermath of the sexual revolution, and in the midst of a successive LGBT wave, our world today is confused when it comes to gender, sexuality, and marriage. This reality explains why one of the most frequent requests we get at the offices of the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood (CBMW) is for a curriculum that helps the church think biblically about these issues. Until today, we did not have a resource to recommend, which is why I am glad this study is available now. It is my prayer that the church will be edified through it to the glory of God and the good of our neighbors.”
Male & Female He Created Them: A Study on Gender, Sexuality, & Marriage can be purchased online at Christian Book (limited time 27% off), Christian Focus, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble.
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