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November 30, 2012 By Jeff Robinson
By Trillia Newbell Last Sunday was the U.N. International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. The web was streaming with articles in support of women experiencing abuse, highlighting God’s love for women and hatred for abuse and rebuking men who abuse. The message is desperately needed. Last week, The Daily Herald reported that...
November 28, 2012 By Jeff Robinson
By Matt Smethurst Male leadership in the church and the home is designed by God to be characterized by tender strength, courageous protection, and self-giving devotion. Male authoritarianism is about neither. Indeed, it’s a pathetic distortion that broadcasts a gospel lie (Eph. 5:32). Today is the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Violence...
November 20, 2012 By Jeff Robinson
By Tony Reinke Men in the church don’t read well. I don’t have statistics or studies to prove this. My conclusion draws from my experience, and from educated intuition. I recently discussed this conclusion with Albert Mohler, and he agreed, “It’s a very correct and perceptive intuition.” So that’s something. Of course, not all Christian...
November 14, 2012 By Jeff Robinson
By Doug Wilson To say that one thing is not another thing is not to register a complaint against either. To say that the sun is not the moon is not to criticize the moon, and to say that the land is not the sea is not to file a complaint against the sea. God...
November 12, 2012 By Jeff Robinson
By Mike Bullmore I find there is a persistent temptation in my life and ministry. It is the temptation to just finish my own race faithfully. “What’s wrong with that?” you ask. It actually sounds fairly biblical, almost Pauline. “I just want to finish the race. I don’t want to be disqualified. I want to...
November 7, 2012 By Jeff Robinson
By LaShawn Barber, WORLD magazine Gorham Middle School in Maine (a state where voters approved same-sex “marriage” yesterday) holds an annual “Diversity Day,” in which homosexuals attempt to persuade children that deviant sexual behavior is normal and that any disapproval of it is intolerant, which, in PC America, is a bad thing. During the question-and-answer...