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January 24, 2013 By Owen Strachan
By Owen Strachan, CBMW Executive Director Complementarian Christians are the most pro-women people around. We love women. We rejoice in them. We celebrate them. Many of us in actual terms are “them,” of course! We know that God has created them with dignity and worth. We know that their structure and form display his ingenuity...
January 23, 2013 By Owen Strachan
[NOTE: In light of today’s troubling decision to remove the restriction on women in combat in the U.S. armed forces, we offer the following complementarian perspective on the issue by CBMW’s executive director from Christianity Today’s blog. See Gender Blog for further biblical analysis of this development over the next few days.] By Owen Strachan, CBMW Executive Director...
January 22, 2013 By Owen Strachan
By Owen Strachan and Andrew Walker On the subject of religious controversy, 2013 started off with a bang, not a whimper. Hobby Lobby, the craft chain owned by a Christian couple, chose to defy the odious HHS mandate pioneered by the administration of President Barack Obama. This edict seeks to bring religious groups to heel...
January 21, 2013 By Jeff Robinson
We at CBMW are deeply appreciative of Randy Stinson’s many years of excellent service as executive director of the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood.. He served as CBMW’s leader for seven years and will remain in an advisory role as a senior fellow. CBMW’s board of directors recently named Owen Strachan as the organization’s...
January 17, 2013 By Jeff Robinson
By Mary Wilson I recently polled a group of women actively engaged in teaching the Scriptures within their local churches, mostly as volunteers, to ask them about the significant challenges they face in this role. Five of them are listed below. Can you relate to any of these? I don’t feel worthy We have this...
January 15, 2013 By Jeff Robinson
By Jonathan Parnell Communication is important, and it’s not easy. In this video, Tim Witmer, author of The Shepherd Leader at Home, gives some practical advice to men on how we communicate. For starters, he says, turn off the phone and be there. To view the brief video, go here: (Originally posted on the...