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April 24, 2014 By CBMW Guest
By Jessica Thompson You finally get everyone to sit down together for a time of family devotions after a long day of car-pooling, making meals, doing laundry, and cleaning up 1,000 messes. You have high hopes for this time to be sweet and possibly even life-changing for your children, but before you even finish the...
April 23, 2014 By Owen Strachan
The following is an excerpt from a free ebook from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.  Edited by Dr. Albert Mohler, with contributions from Dr. Jim Hamilton and Denny Burk (editor of the CBMW Journal), CBMW’s own Owen Strachan has contributed God and the Gay Christian?  A Response to Matthew Vines.  As Matthew Vines attempts to squeeze the square peg of...
April 22, 2014 By Candice Watters
by Candice Watters I’ve always loved the thought of having a garden. More accurately, I’ve loved the idea of organic, fresh produce just a few steps away from my cutting board and salad bowl. Every spring when warm breezes return and the grass starts greening, I think wistfully of sowing seeds in loamy soil, of...
April 22, 2014 By CBMW Guest
Matthew Vines’ new book God and the Gay Christian: A Biblical Case in Support of Same-Sex Marriage argues that “Christians who affirm the full authority of Scripture can also affirm committed, monogamous same-sex relationship” (3). As the previous quote demonstrates, what makes Vines’ book so interesting is that unlike many who have gone before him,...
April 22, 2014 By CBMW Guest
By Jodi Ware Recently I was asked how to encourage a wife who is frustrated with the way her husband leads her. This is a situation that occurs regularly and, when it does, I seek to encourage them in several ways. First, I remind a wife of the sovereignty of God.  He is has wisely...
April 21, 2014 By CBMW Guest
  The Leading Edge is our weekly look-over-our-shoulder at what we’re reading around this Internet thing.  Want to participate?  Send us what you’re reading by tweeting it to us – @CBMWEdge.  You should follow us too.  Go ahead.  We’ll wait.  Done?  Good, now onto the Edge. How the President Evolved – This is the New York...