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April 28, 2014 By CBMW Guest
By Jeff Medders Do you remember Geoffrey the giraffe? What about the painfully catchy tune, their retail battle cry and hymn? I don’t wanna grow up; I’m a Toys-R-Us kid. If you learn one thing from this post: Never trust a giraffe. Theology from a giraffe is never a good thing. From my limited experience,...
April 28, 2014 By CBMW Guest
By Alicia Rollins [I approach speaking of war imagery with sobriety, knowing that many people live in such a reality every day. As God may turn even the most horrible sins upside down for his good purposes, I pray any association a person may have with war is used for encouragement and perseverance in Christ.]...
April 25, 2014 By Candice Watters
by Candice Watters On Tuesday, May 6, Focus on the Family is launching a special one-night-only theatrical release of the documentary called Irreplaceable. Following the movie event, Focus will release a related video curriculum called The Family Project, followed in August by a book of the same name. As we blogged about earlier, we’re excited about...
April 25, 2014 By CBMW Guest
 By Mathew Sims I have been reading Mike Reeves Delighting in the Trinity. If you have not read it yet you should immediately stop what you’re doing, purchase it, and invest some time digging into it. It is chock-full of truth about who God is. It stirs the affections and drives the heart toward Jesus...
April 24, 2014 By CBMW Guest
Many scholars and authors have posited that the true sin of Sodom was not homosexuality but violence, arrogance, oppression, and inhospitality. Certainly the men of Sodom were guilty of these sins and the Bible indicates that this was so. But does the Bible nowhere indicate that homosexuality was one of the sins of the men...
April 24, 2014 By CBMW Guest
  By Jeremiah G. Dys Greek mythology tells us of the irresistable songs of the Sirens, mythological figures whose voice and song were so lovely that sailors turned from their charted course through safe waters only to crash upon the rocks to their doom in their chase of the Sirens. In reading the coverage of the...