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October 6, 2014 By Candice Watters
by Candice Watters It’s a daily complaint among moms of infants and young children: not enough time to read much, or any, of the Bible. Focused prayer doesn’t fare much better amidst the din of crying, bickering, and loudly playing, early rising little ones. I asked a friend who is presently Mom to a 4-year-old,...
October 6, 2014 By CBMW Guest
By Joey Cochran   Squandering time is an everyday affair for most men. Quite honestly we obsess over distraction. We’ll get lost in Reddit, YouTube, and Twitter. Sports statistics at ESPN, crazy car factoids from Top Gear, and random Duck Commander trivia fills our brains. Many of us go dark right about now due to...
October 3, 2014 By CBMW Guest
By Chap Bettis This is an open letter to young men out there. All types of young men: my twenty-one-year-old son, young men in my church, and more particularly—young men who would like to date my daughters. With one daughter having graduated from college and another in college, I have observed your dateless world. With...
October 2, 2014 By CBMW Guest
By Lore Ferguson Somewhere in my mid-twenties my virginity became a source of embarrassment for me, and I wasn’t surprised. I was one of few in my community (married or single) who had maintained that single shred of chastity. My married friends were procreating often enough that it was no secret who was having lots...
October 1, 2014 By CBMW Guest
By Tim Sweetman   The irony of writing an article on decision-making is not lost on me. As an incredibly young man, the amount of tough calls and life altering decisions I’ve made is laughable. Thankfully amidst a world full of options, choices, and decisions, God has provided me with the same Holy Spirit and...
September 30, 2014 By Trillia Newbell
By Courtney Reissig The topic of women in the church is often debated in our evangelical circles. Whenever people bring up the subject the inevitable questions quickly arise: What can women do? What can’t women do? Should women teach men? Should women teach teenage boys? Should women have a voice in decision making? And so...