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November 29, 2014 By Steve Watters
by Steve Watters Have you found a good Advent reading for your family this year?  Last year, Candice posted about the significance of family Advent reading and provided several recommendations. I want to add two new recommendations to that list. The Expected One is a new Advent reading produced by Scott James, a pediatrician who...
November 27, 2014 By Candice Watters
by Candice Watters Apart from the turkey, stuffing and pumpkin pie, one of our favorite Thanksgiving meal traditions is a Pilgrim quiz. In the center of our table, next to the feast, is a small bowl with strips of paper. On each is a question. Questions like: How many Pilgrims left for the New World?...
November 26, 2014 By Mathew Sims
By Mathew B. Sims This October and November we asked, “How should theology inform manhood?” Theology isn’t something to shy away from and it isn’t something only academics do. All of us do theology because all of us believe certain things about God, salvation, the gospel, etc., so what we believe matters. John Calvin says,...
November 24, 2014 By Greg Gibson
By Greg Gibson   This has been a great series here at Manual, and it is my attempt to now put an exclamation point on this series.  Most often, we think of manhood in terms of holistic approaches and practical application for Christian living, but it is rooted deep within the confines of biblical theology that we...
November 20, 2014 By CBMW Guest
By Gloria Furman Faster and faster, the world seems to be spinning out of control. Talk of cultural revolutions in the West and political instability in the East is in the air. In light of this, questions of the church’s relevance fly at us from the left and the right. Ephesians chapter 3 answers those...
November 19, 2014 By Grant Castleberry
  By Grant Castleberry Last night at the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood 2014 Banquet in San Diego, California, CBMW instituted two new awards that will honor complementarians each year in the fields of scholarship and leadership. The scholarship award is named after CBMW founder Dr. Wayne Grudem and is titled the Wayne Grudem Award...