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Topic > Cultural Engagement

December 19, 2013 By CBMW Guest
By Derick Dickens: Duck Dynasty is a household name and most people–this author excluded– have seen the epic tale of the four Louisiana men.  Famous for their end of the day prayer and outspoken Christian beliefs, you must wonder why their recent statement on homosexuality took anyone by surprise. Phil Robertson’s, the patriarch of the...
December 17, 2013 By CBMW Guest
By: Derrick Dickens These questions are being answered in the court system and most recently in a case decided in the state of Colorado. In a ruling that will shake many Christian small business owners, a Christian baker was ordered  to  provide his services for a gay marriage reception even if it disagrees with his...
December 3, 2013 By CBMW Guest
The Story: “When God isn’t on the Guest List” by Emanuella Grinberg writing for The Lead: As secularism continues to rise in the United States, more couples like the Longs are deviating from a traditional wedding blueprint that includes prayers, blessings and biblical passages. “A secular wedding can be exactly like a religious wedding with two...
November 25, 2013 By Steve Watters
by Steve Watters When I worked at Focus on the Family, I remember sitting in a meeting where the visiting leader of a ministry to young adults shared a shocking statistic. He claimed that 65% of Christian kids leave their faith as they become young adults. Having watched my twin brother become a prodigal after...
November 22, 2013 By CBMW Guest
The Story: “The Town FEMA Turned Down,” by Jonathan V. Last writing for The Lead: For a while, that was enough to placate the forces of modernity. But the sun has now set on that armistice. Both the left and the government—distinctions between the two are perhaps redundant these days—believe that the free exercise...
November 20, 2013 By CBMW Guest
By Jeremy Dys By some standards – contemporary and historic – I do not have a very big family.  By others, evidently my wife and I are freaks of a side-show nature, two denim jumpers away from being featured on a TLC reality show. Whenever my family of six – myself, my wife, and four...