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October 20, 2014 By CBMW Guest
In August of 1997, Miguel Núñez began teaching a Bible study in his home in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. About a dozen people were at the study, the seed of what is now International Baptist Church, where Núñez serves as pastor, and where about 2,200 people worship on Sunday mornings. This study represented, simultaneously, a...
October 17, 2014 By CBMW Guest
BY JOSHUA TORREY I worked on a Catechism for the church at which my family served. This Baptistic Catechism is a derivative of multiple Presybterian Confessions. Some days it pained me more than others to see the things that had been taken out. Other days I was stressed by my attempts to retain the meaning...
October 15, 2014 By CBMW Guest
By Nick Abraham As Christians, we can so easily compartmentalize our lives and divide things into categories like church, work, and family. Instead of our faith in Christ being sovereign over and seeping into those categories, we attempt to delegate them to their own category. This often results in our faith absent in our work...
October 13, 2014 By CBMW Guest
We are excited to start a new series at Manual “Manhood & Theology.”  Over the next weeks, we will examine how essential doctrines of the Christian faith should transform our vision for biblical manhood. ——————— By Stephen Yuille Theology is neither a mere theoretical exercise nor a mere academic pursuit; rather, it’s the means by which...
October 11, 2014 By Grant Castleberry
Grant Castleberry Recently, Owen Strachan recorded this 9Marks interview with Mark Dever. Topics of the interview include: the legacy of Carl Henry, the state of evangelicalism, and complementarianism.
October 11, 2014 By Grant Castleberry
  By Grant Castleberry Recently, CBMW President, Dr. Owen Strachan, appeared on Moody Radio’s program Up for Debate, hosted by Julie Roys. The topic of the show was “Should Women Serve as Pastors?” Joining Dr. Strachan on the show was Dr. Ron Pierce from Biola University who was arguing in favor of female pastors. The conversation...