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November 20, 2019 By CBMW
Jesus’ call to “make disciples of all nations” (Matt. 28:19) necessarily involves taking the good news to those who identify as transgender. Because the gospel is God’s power to save, we have every reason to expect that some of those to whom we witness will put their trust in Christ and set foot on the...
October 17, 2019 By CBMW
Rachel Green Miller’s Beyond Authority and Submission: Women and Men in Marriage, Church, and Society (P&R Publishing, 2019) represents a growing new voice in what might be called post-complementarian literature. In it, Miller affirms the biblical teaching of male-only ordination in the church and the husband’s leadership in the family, but she seeks to correct...
October 4, 2019 By CBMW
Western legal reasoning just crossed the Rubicon. In a unanimous decision handed down this week, an employment tribunal in England determined that a government employee’s sincerely held belief in Genesis 1:27 is incompatible with human rights and dignity. Yes, you read that correctly; the decision can be accessed here. This all started when the Department for...
August 23, 2019 By CBMW
TGC recently published a fascinating interview with Becket Cook, a former Hollywood set designer in the fashion industry who was living an openly gay life. Cook left all that behind when he met Jesus — or, rather, Jesus met him — and now he is in Christian ministry as a recent graduate of Talbot School...
August 21, 2019 By CBMW
What is it in Genesis 1 and 2 that Paul appeals to in order to ground male headship in 1 Corinthians 11:1–16 and 1 Timothy 2:8–15? CBMW executive director Colin Smothers recently went on the Remnant Radio podcast to discuss how complementarianism is grounded in the created order.
August 12, 2019 By CBMW
I doubt whether we are sufficiently attentive to the importance of American boyhood. Two more mass shootings; this time in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio. Thirty-one dead and dozens more injured, more lives cut radically short at the hands of another young, white, very troubled American man. Immediately in the aftermath, the hunt was...