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Author > CBMW

June 4, 2010 By CBMW
Do you long to live a life of: Thanksgiving? Intercession? Intimacy with Christ? You're not alone. Spend time at True Woman '10 with speakers whose passionate love for Christ shows in all that they do and say. You can bring new life and hope to your home, your church, your neighborhood, and your workplace. How? By staking your life...
June 4, 2010 By CBMW
God has called parents to be involved in their children’s spiritual formation. But what do I do to make that happen in my church?… in my youth ministry?… in my home?“Where can I go to connect with other church leaders and parents who are ‘further down the road’ in the process of transitioning to a...
June 4, 2010 By CBMW
We all base our lives on what we think God is like. We act on what we know—or believe we know—about God. The question is whether what we believe about God is true. Without realizing it, many of us give greater weight to traditions and emotions than to developing a solid foundation of belief. And...