Five Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age Giveaway

In this powerful book, Rosaria Butterfield uses Scripture to confront 5 common lies about sexuality, faith, feminism, gender roles, and modesty often promoted in our secular culture today…to help readers…

2016 CBMW Conference Media

Below you will find the media for the 2016 CBMW T4G Pre-Conference, “The Beauty of Complementarity.” ————— DAY 1: Grant Castleberry, Complementarity and the Honor of God Jason Allen, Complementarity and the…

Interview with Rob Plummer

Dr. Rob Plummer joins Scott Corbin to discuss the importance of church history for thinking about marriage and pastoral theology, the joys of Greek grammar, and how you can maintain…

An Interview with Jim Hamilton

Jim Hamilton joins Scott Corbin on Danvers Audio to discuss the importance of biblical theology for understanding gender complementarity, the family metaphor in the New Testament and its implications for…

Join Albert Mohler at the 2016 T4G Pre-Conference

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJ58f72f8yg&feature=youtu.be Join Albert Mohler, Ligon Duncan, Mary Kassian, Kevin DeYoung, John Piper, and others at this year’s CBMW 2016 T4G Pre-Conference, The Beauty of Complementarity. In addition to the many…

Book Review | Making Gay Okay, by Robert Reilly

By Andrew Walker Tuesday, May 19, 2015 —————- In late 2013, Duck Dynasty reality TV star Phil Robertson, an outspoken evangelical Christian, made a moral proposition that drew public outcry:…

Editorial | Light and Fellowship in the Darkness

Jason G. Duesing  | Editor Journal for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood Provost and Associate Professor of Historical Theology Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Kansas City,  Missouri There is a moment in J.…