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January 27, 2014 By CBMW Guest
(This is post #5  in our new Manhood and Technology Series. You can read the prior posts here: Manhood and Technology || Introducing a New Series, the Two Views of Smartphones article, the Why I Kissed Social Media Goodbye article, and the Brothers, Do Not Be Overcome Article.)  By Mathew Sims I work in an industry that thrives on technology and...
January 20, 2014 By CBMW Guest
(This is post #3 in our new Manhood and Technology Series. You can read the introduction post here: Manhood and Technology || Introducing a New Series and the Two Views of Smartphones article.) By Adam Groza I’m not a technophobe. This post is not about the evils of technology, nor am I using a typewriter by candlelight....
January 8, 2014 By CBMW Guest
By Kyle Worley As I write this, three speakers behind my laptop are pumping Bach’s “Toccata in C Minor,” a lamp casts light across my tattered copy of Jacques Ellul’s The Technological Society that I purchased years ago from an online business that shipped it to me from across the country within two days of...