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January 23, 2015 By Candice Watters
by Candice Watters It’s tempting to despise the roles God created for men and women in marriage; to think it’s an unfair distribution of responsibility. I did for a long time. Ephesians 5 is a hard word. Paul doesn’t say, “Wives, submit to and respect your husbands when you feel like it or when they...
January 8, 2015 By CBMW Guest
By Melissa Affolter When we come to Ephesians 5 and 6, we sometimes bristle before we even get into the text. Virtually jumping off the page are the verses that tell us to submit. As women, we may overlook the rest of the passage because we get hung up on the submission part. But this...
April 22, 2014 By CBMW Guest
By Jodi Ware Recently I was asked how to encourage a wife who is frustrated with the way her husband leads her. This is a situation that occurs regularly and, when it does, I seek to encourage them in several ways. First, I remind a wife of the sovereignty of God.  He is has wisely...
October 28, 2013 By CBMW Guest
By Leanne Swift I have been a proponent of complementarianism since I learned of the term a handful of years ago. I have stood by the word and will gladly defend God’s design for men, women, and marriage until my death. I’ve read marvelous material about men and women being equal in value, but different...
October 8, 2013 By CBMW Guest
As of October 1, Rachel Held Evans’ book, A Year of Biblical Womanhood, has been out for a full year. Already there have been a number of penetrating reviews written by the likes of Kathy Keller and Trillia Newbell. These reviews have a recurring concern—Evans dismissive spirit towards the Bible and her errant interpretation of the same...
October 3, 2013 By Courtney Reissig
  By Courtney Reissig Like many new brides I entered marriage with rose colored glasses. Prior to getting married I had immersed myself in all things biblical womanhood. I was well-versed in the debates, I knew the biblical passages about marriage, and I thought I had the whole submission thing down. In fact, I couldn’t...