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By Jeremiah G. Dys Wednesday, Kirsten Powers suggested that there is a new era in “Jim Crow” laws, that of businessmen and women of faith objecting to the participation and endorsement of homosexual marriages by the use of their business. Thursday, Jonathan Merritt stoked the fire – and extended the analogy – by invoking Martin Luther King, Jr.’s...
By Jeremy Dys When I see the head of the nation’s largest provider of abortion write in reference to the contraceptive mandate of Obamacare, “No one’s freedom to practice religion is compromised,” I tend to think she is attempting her best Obi Wan Kenobi, Jedi mind trick on the nation. But, this is not Tatooine...
By Jeremiah G. Dys, Esq. With apologies to Martin Niemoller . . . First they came for the Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association, but I wasn’t a retreat center, so, I did nothing. When, they came for Tim Tebow, I wasn’t a Heisman-winning quarterback, so I did nothing. When they came for Craig James, I wasn’t...
By: Derrick Dickens These questions are being answered in the court system and most recently in a case decided in the state of Colorado. In a ruling that will shake many Christian small business owners, a Christian baker was ordered to provide his services for a gay marriage reception even if it disagrees with his...
The Story: “Appeals Court Blocks Obamacare Contraceptive Mandate,” by Andrew Harris and Joel Rosenblatt writing at The Lead: The government focuses on the wrong thing – the employee’s use of contraception – and addresses the wrong question – how many steps separate the employer’s act of paying for contraception coverage and an employee’s decision...
By Jeremy Dys EDITOR’S NOTE: The following was written for, and used with the permission of, Liberty Institute. Not many people look forward to going to court. From jury duty to car wrecks to business matters, resorting to a court is an unattractive proposition for anyone. And, for those called to live at peace with all...