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January 29, 2009 By CBMW
Today's post begins a series of posts entitled Intentional Manhood written by a good friend of CBMW, Mike Seaver. A new installment of this series will appear each Thursday for several weeks. They originally appeared last year on Mike's blog Role Calling. Mike serves on the pastoral staff of CrossWay Community Church of Charlotte, North Carolina. Mike and his wife Kristin...
January 28, 2009 By CBMW
C.J. Mahaney oversees Sovereign Grace Ministries. He also serves on the Board of Directors of The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood. In this post he explores the biblical concept of fulfilling one's God-designed role in life. It first appeared at the Sovereign Grace Blog on December 18, 2008.
January 26, 2009 By CBMW
Yesterday, in part I, the Starkes began to describe their experience of a biblically modeled marriage. Here in part II, they delve further into the spiritual lives of spouses who seek to live out God's ideal for marriage.
December 30, 2008 By CBMW
Mrs. Susan Hunt serves as a member of the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood. She and her husband make their home in Marietta, Georgia.
December 19, 2008 By CBMW
Editor’s note: Dr. Steve Farrar is an author, speaker, and the founder of Men’s Leadership Ministries.He also serves on the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood.
December 5, 2008 By CBMW
Dr. R. Albert Mohler is the President of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and serves on the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood.  This blog-post appeared at on December 1st, 2008.