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Tag > Luma Simms

January 20, 2014 By CBMW Guest
By Luma Simms Gospel amnesia ushers in idolatry and vice versa. It is imperative that we discern, expose and destroy the set of idols that tempt us within our Christian subculture. In his sermon, The Grand Demythologizer, Pastor Timothy Keller uses the text from Acts 19:23–41 to discuss the discerning, exposing, and challenging the idols...
December 4, 2013 By CBMW Guest
  By Luma Simms Not long ago I asked the ladies in bible study if they could tell me why it’s important for them to know the attributes of God. While making my way through the list of attributes from Tozer’s The Knowledge of the Holy, I gave the example of immutability. “Why do you...