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Tag > grace

October 22, 2014 By CBMW Guest
By Ethan A. Smith My friend, Matt, told me the story of how he was officiating the wedding of a friend, and the bride had been crying throughout the ceremony and reception. So Matt asked the groom’s brother, “What about your brother? Have you ever seen him cry like that?” To which the brother replied,...
June 13, 2014 By CBMW Guest
By Rey De Armas (This section is an excerpt from The Gospel Project’s study “God’s Way”.) The law focuses on the action of what not to do. Jesus, however, went even further. Knowing that our actions and motives are marred by sin, Jesus claimed that even if we do not outwardly commit the sin of...
September 23, 2013 By CBMW Guest
By Christine Hoover Over coffee and blossoming friendship, Susan and I shared our stories, our fears, and the victories we’ve experienced in Christ. Just before I had to leave, I remembered that a specific decision was weighing on her and asked about it: “Have you made a decision about your kids and school?” She nodded,...
September 19, 2013 By CBMW Guest
  by Melissa Affolter In counseling with young women seeking encouragement amidst difficult circumstances, I am often reminded of my struggles with similar issues. It’s a sweet reminder, because I can see how God’s grace has molded and kept me during some rough seasons. At the same time, I hurt for these ladies, wishing they...
April 24, 2013 By CBMW Guest
By Kimm Crandell The sticker on the back of the jeep in front of me threatens to crush my weak spirit. It has the words, “No Bad Days” encased in a fish outline alluding to the fact that there are no bad days with Christ. What? No bad days? The guilt and condemnation pour over...