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January 8, 2019 By Matt Damico
More than 250 pastors and church leaders in the Netherlands have signed a Dutch translation of the Nashville Statement, drawing widespread criticism in response. The translation, the signers of which come from conservative Protestant churches in the Netherlands, comes almost a year and a half after the Nashville Statement was originally released in August 2017,...
October 23, 2018 By Matt Damico
Over the course of history, layers of questionable interpretations have developed over certain biblical characters, preventing us from seeing clearly what lies beneath. As we have, over many centuries, become habituated to seeing certain characters in a particular way, we may never closely examine the text itself or assess the strength of apparently time-honoured readings....
October 15, 2018 By CBMW
Editor’s Note: This post is an introduction to a series. Posts in this series include: “A Word to the Older Men,” “A Word to the Older Women,” “A Word to the Younger Women,” and “A Word to the Younger Men.” In January of last year, hundreds of thousands of women marched in our nation’s capital...
October 8, 2018 By CBMW
Alan Jacobs recently wrote a blog post lamenting the “Christian language policing” he has observed around the issue of “Gay Christianity,” which in part includes a discussion on whether it is prudent for Christians to identify themselves with LGBT terminology. Prompting his post was an article by Mary Eberstadt, which Jacobs quotes at length: “The...
September 25, 2018 By CBMW
Updated Editor’s Note (3/22/19): Remarkably, Azusa Pacific University has reversed itself once more and removed from its student standards of conduct language that prohibited public LGBT relationships, causing Eric Teetsel’s original critique to be relevant once more. While the postscript at the end of the article is no longer applicable in light of this reversal,...