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Tag > Andreas J. Köstenberger

December 19, 2007 By CBMW
At CBMW we want to provide a practical vision for how to live as a biblical complementarian in the nitty-gritty of real life.  This is the first of a periodic series of interviews with Council members answering the following question: In practical ways in your marriage relationship, how do you balance gender equality with male...
December 18, 2007 By CBMW
At CBMW we want to provide a practical vision for how to live as a biblical complementarian in the nitty-gritty of real life.  This is the first of a periodic series of interviews with Council members answering the following question: In practical ways in your marriage relationship, how do you balance gender equality with male...
July 2, 2007 By CBMW
The following was published in Themelios, 26:3, Summer 2001. Are there essential differences between the sexes? Elaine Storkey is regarded by many as the leading British evangelical spokesperson on gender issues. Her latest book directly addresses the vital question ‘created or constructed? This review article summarises each chapter, and then offers a critique. Storkey, Elaine,...
June 6, 2000 By CBMW
View article (PDF) This is taken from 'The Gospel to the Nations' edited by Peter Bolt and Mark Thompson. Copyright (c) Andreas J. Kostenberger 2000. Used by permission of InterVarsity Press, P.O. Box 1400, Downers Grove, IL 60515.
October 1, 1997 By CBMW
This essay first appeared in Bulletin of Biblical Research 7 (1997): 107-44 and was reprinted in Chapter 14 of Studies in John and Gender.  Used with permission. 
September 1, 1997 By CBMW