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July 12, 2017 By CBMW
UPDATE: Responding to the article and interview discussed below, Eugene Peterson seems to have retracted his affirmation of same-sex marriage in a statement to reporter Kate Shellnutt at Christianity Today. His statement includes the following remarks: “Recently a reporter asked me whether my personal opinions about homosexuality and same-sex marriage have changed over the years. I presume...
June 1, 2017 By CBMW
I have three young children who each profess faith in Jesus Christ. As we bring them up, my wife and I are continually reminded that we are doing so in an age that is hostile to the Kingdom of Christ and to the Word of God. Of course, this is nothing new. The world system...
May 25, 2017 By Garrett Pearson
I could not calm him down. He thrashed and flailed and cried and ran out of his room as I pleaded with him. Then I yelled at him. The house was quiet and dark except for the cacophony of voices coming from my son’s room. I remember my blood boiling and my voice raising as...
May 10, 2017 By Garrett Pearson
In this article[1] we turn our attention to ten things we should know about the most controversial passage in the Bible when it comes to the role/relationship between men and women. In 1 Timothy 2:11-15, Paul writes: “Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness. I do not permit a woman to teach or to...
May 2, 2017 By Ryan Loague
I wholeheartedly believe God, in his timeless love for me, has sovereignly orchestrated all of my days (Psalm 139:16) for his glory and my ultimate good. I believe he has predetermined the boundaries of the seasons of my life—including my new life in Christ, which began at the age of twenty-one. However, I do sometimes...
March 21, 2017 By Garrett Pearson
Thomas White | President Cedarville University Cedarville, Ohio “But I don’t feel like it, Dad,” said my 5-year-old son, Samuel, in a high-pitched whine.[1] Memories of my father’s response echoed in my head just before the words came out of my mouth. “It really doesn’t matter what you feel like, son. You have to take...