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May 12, 2013 By CBMW Guest
Table of Contents [list style=”list-img3″]The Importance of Preaching the Negative as Well as the Positive[/list] [list style=”list-img3″]Gay Spin City[/list] [list style=”list-img3″]New Research on the Family[/list] [list style=”list-img3″]The Holy Vocation of Singleness[/list] [list style=”list-img3″]The Wildman Transformed[/list] [list style=”list-img3″]Gift of Singleness?[/list] [list style=”list-img3″]”If The Son Shall Make You Free…”[/list]  
May 12, 2013 By CBMW Guest
Table of Contents [list style=”list-img3″]Interview with Marvin Olasky[/list] [list style=”list-img3″]Gender in Bible Translation[/list] [list style=”list-img3″]An Excerpt from Mary Kassian’s The Feminist Gospel[/list] [list style=”list-img3″]Submission: A Lot More than Giving In[/list] [list style=”list-img3″]Review: Thoughts on Family Worship[/list] [list style=”list-img3″]Shepherd’s Pie[/list]  
May 12, 2013 By CBMW Guest
Table of Contents [list style=”list-img3″]Is There Equal Pay for Equal Work?[/list] [list style=”list-img3″]Avoiding Fallacies in Interpretation[/list] [list style=”list-img3″]Newsbriefs from the World[/list] [list style=”list-img3″]Shepherd’s Pie[/list] [list style=”list-img3″]Reflections on Fatherhood[/list] [list style=”list-img3″]Books and Resources from CBMW[/list] [list style=”list-img3″]Quoted & Quotable[/list]  
May 12, 2013 By CBMW Guest
Table of Contents [list style=”list-img3″]Interview with Dr. Dorothy Patterson[/list] [list style=”list-img3″]Text of the Baptist Faith and Message Report[/list] [list style=”list-img3″]Newsbriefs from the World[/list] [list style=”list-img3″]Comments from Paige Patterson[/list] [list style=”list-img3″]Building a Christ Centered Marriage[/list] [list style=”list-img3″]Letter from the CBMW President, Wayne Grudem[/list] [list style=”list-img3″]Books and Resources from CBMW[/list] [list style=”list-img3″]Quoted & Quotable[/list]  
May 12, 2013 By CBMW Guest
Table of Contents [list style=”list-img3″]An Open Letter to Egalitarians[/list] [list style=”list-img3″]Marriage at the Millennium’s Dawn[/list] [list style=”list-img3″]Newsbriefs from the World[/list] [list style=”list-img3″]Reflections on Marriage[/list] [list style=”list-img3″]Eowyn: A Poem[/list] [list style=”list-img3″]Welcome to New Council Members[/list] [list style=”list-img3″]Shepherd’s Pie[/list] [list style=”list-img3″]Making the Case for Wedding Vows[/list] [list style=”list-img3″]Books and Resources from CBMW[/list] [list style=”list-img3″]Quoted & Quotable[/list]  
May 12, 2013 By CBMW Guest
Table of Contents [list style=”list-img3″]Willow Creek Enforces Egalitarianism[/list] [list style=”list-img3″]The Meaning Source “does not exist”[/list] [list style=”list-img3″]Newsbriefs from the world[/list] [list style=”list-img3″]Stanley Grenz and Feminist Theology[/list] [list style=”list-img3″]Review Article – When Women Were Priests[/list] [list style=”list-img3″]I Was Just Thinking[/list] [list style=”list-img3″]Books and Resources from CBMW[/list] [list style=”list-img3″]Quoted & Quotable[/list]