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July 10, 2012 By Jeff Robinson
By Sally Lloyd-Jones [Note: The following post was originally published on the Desiring God blog] When I go into churches and speak to children I ask them two questions: First,  how many people here sometimes think you have to be good for God to love you? They tentatively raise their hands. I raise my hand...
July 5, 2012 By Jeff Robinson
By Andrew Case Men like to brag, but why don’t they brag about their wives more? I’ve heard men brag about sports they play or sports they watch. I’ve heard them praise the teams they love. They praise cars and scars. Sometimes they even boast about the girl they’re dating. But when it comes to...
June 24, 2012 By Jeff Robinson
By Mary Kassian On May 17, a 6’1” man named “Jenna” made history when he competed in the Miss Universe Canada pageant. Jenna, who was born “Walter,” has been surgically/hormonally “re-gendered” to look like a woman. He was originally banned from the beauty competition because he didn’t meet the “born female” requirement. But famous feminist...
June 20, 2012 By Jeff Robinson
By Tony Reinke In Ephesians 3:14–15, Paul prays, “For this reason I bow my knees before the Father [patēr], from whom every family [patria] in heaven and on earth is named.” In the Greek it is easy to pick up on Paul’s patēr/patria play on words. John Stott chose to translate this phrase as “the...
June 15, 2012 By Jeff Robinson
By Jeff Robinson The young paratrooper stood at the open door of the C-47 transport plane. Wave after wave of angry wind currents battered his army fatigues with the ferocity of a category five hurricane. He paused momentarily, double-checked his static line and then leaped into the darkness below. Instantly, the darkness wasn’t so dark...
June 14, 2012 By Jeff Robinson
By Jeff Robinson Summer with its easier pace of life and vacations from work makes prime time for reading. On Tuesday, Gender Blog presented its annual reading list for women and today we do the same for men, with books in a three categories. Biblical manhood Date Your Wife (Crossway) by Justin Buzzard. This is...