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August 21, 2012 By Jeff Robinson
[Note: This post was orginally published on the Gospel Coalition website.] By Melissa Kruger In the midst of bottles, diapers, and sleepless nights it’s easy to understand why motherhood is a season when we’re apt to miss the harvest that surrounds us. Often we’re like the workers Jesus spoke about in John 4:35, believing the...
August 15, 2012 By Jeff Robinson
[Note: This series was originally posted at the Girls Gone Wise blog at] Part 5 of a 7-part series on Complementarity & Mutuality by Mary Kassian This is the fifth of a seven-part series on Complementarity & Mutuality. Yup. It just got longer. Christ’s ideal for sex is exceedingly stringent. So stringent, that it...
August 13, 2012 By Jeff Robinson
[Note: This post originally ran on the Domestic Kingdom blog at] by Gloria Furman I’ve never read an entire book devoted to the subject of modesty, but I’ve read several articles and chapters on the subject. These articles and chapters focused on things like bathing suits, movies, wedding dresses, and lipstick. And none of...
August 8, 2012 By Jeff Robinson
[Note: Part 4 of a 6-part series on Complementarity & Mutuality. This series was originally published on the Girls Gone Wise blog at] By Mary Kassian This is the fourth of a 6-part series on Complementarity & Mutuality. If you think good sex produces fireworks, just imagine the fireworks that will take place at...
August 6, 2012 By Jeff Robinson
(Part 3 of a 5-part series on Complementarity & Mutuality. This series was orginally published on the Girls Gone Wise blog at By Mary Kassian This is the third of a 5-part series on Complementarity & Mutuality. Though our Coach has assigned husbands and wives complementary positions, He has common expectations of all His...
August 2, 2012 By Jeff Robinson
Part 2 of a series on Complementarity & Mutuality–originally published on By Mary Kassian This is the second of a 5-part series on Complementarity & Mutuality. In the rhetoric surrounding gender roles, complementarity versus mutuality is often presented as a “red-pill-or-blue-pill” either-or choice.  But that’s a false dilemma. That’s a pill we don’t have...