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October 1, 2012 By Jeff Robinson
By Russell D. Moore Tim Tebow says he wants a wife with “a servant’s heart.” Does that make him a misogynist? Jezebel, a feminist website, picked up on comments Tebow made in an interview with Vogue magazine, in which he said he wanted a wife who lived up to the high standards set for him...
September 18, 2012 By Jeff Robinson
By R. Albert Mohler Jr. My article, “Why the Sexual Revolution Needed a Sexual Revolutionary,” is now available at The Atlantic. I write about Helen Gurley Brown’s influence in the Sexual Revolution and the revolutionary character of her agenda in her own times. Conservative Christians sometimes assume that massive cultural changes are inevitable in some...
September 14, 2012 By Jeff Robinson
By John Piper The grace of God is patient and works both instantaneously and over time. A mistake we sometimes make is thinking too idealistically, as though if we blow our first apology, there is no chance for a second. The way to think about this marriage saver biblically is that it is an effort...
September 7, 2012 By Jeff Robinson
by Christine Hoover As a mother, there is a constant, uncomfortable battle that rages inside of me. It is not the big or dramatic: Will I raise my children to love God? Will I train them to obey Him? Do my children belong to Him? The constant battle of motherhood is more subtle, more everyday,...
September 5, 2012 By Jeff Robinson
By Joe Carter [Note: “Debatable” is a new feature on the Gospel Coalition’s website in which the GC seeks to briefly summarize debates within the evangelical community. This post originally ran on the GC website.] The Issue: Is complementarianism another word for patriarchy? Egalitarians and many complementarians agree: It is indeed. But a recent debate...
August 27, 2012 By Jeff Robinson
By R. Albert Mohler Jr. In the world but not of the world? From the very beginning, the church has faced the challenge of responding to external events, trends, ideologies, and controversies. By definition, the church does not get to choose these challenges, but they have been thrust upon Christians by the world. The question...