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November 5, 2012 By Jeff Robinson
By J.C. Derrick, WORLD Magazine     WASHINGTON—Last month, a Baltimore Sun poll showed Maryland’s Question 6 would pass by a 49 percent to 39 percent margin, affirming a new state law that redefined marriage to include same-sex couples. But new polling shows a dead heat as African-American voters are leading a significant shift toward traditional...
November 1, 2012 By Jeff Robinson
By Jeff Robinson With the critical presidential election looming next Tuesday, there are many issues at play within the candidates’ platforms that are of keen interest to evangelicals. One under-publicized issue that relates to gender is that of women in combat. The Obama Administration has been the most pro-women in combat presidency in U.S. history....
October 26, 2012 By Jeff Robinson
By Jeff Robinson Put a book before me that seeks to unpack biblical manhood while discussing sports at numerous points and quotes the Lord of the Rings, Band of Brothers, Teddy Roosevelt, Louis L’Amour and J.C. Ryle, and you have my undivided attention. Shawn Brower’s new book, We Became Men: The Journey Into Manhood (P&R...
October 23, 2012 By Jeff Robinson
By Luma Simms It’s easy to tell a woman to submit, or to tell a husband to love his wife as Christ loves the church, but it can be excruciating to live out. It’s easy to throw these Bible verses around like the rock in David’s sling hoping to knock down that Goliath of ‘My...
October 17, 2012 By Jeff Robinson
By Megan Hill Today I passed a car on the interstate. It was going well below the speed limit, and I had plenty of time to see the occupants. An elderly woman was in the driver’s seat, fingers gripped tight on the wheel. Next to her was the man I assumed to be her husband,...
October 12, 2012 By Jeff Robinson
By Trillia Newbell There are several reasons why I decided to read and review Rachel Held Evans’ forthcoming book A Year of Biblical Womanhood: How a Liberated Woman Found Herself Sitting on Her Roof, Covering Her Head, and Calling Her Husband “Master” (Thomas Nelson; October 30, 2012). I certainly am not writing this review out...