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March 31, 2005 By CBMW
The “Day of Silence”—the annual homosexual-themed day involving thousands of public school and college students nationwide—will have a Christian counterpart this year.
March 25, 2005 By CBMW
A unique new work takes a truly “up close and personal” look at the mother-daughter relationship as it relates to biblical womanhood.
March 18, 2005 By CBMW
The fact that God sent His eternal Son to redeem a fallen world in the person of a man has massive theological significance, a significance none of the contemporary feminist answers arrive at, Randy Stinson, executive director of The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood (CBMW) told a group of college students recently.
March 16, 2005 By CBMW
When a California judge overturned that state’s ban on same-sex “marriage” March 14, he may have unknowingly helped conservatives nationwide in their struggle to pass constitutional marriage amendments.
February 24, 2005 By CBMW
Christian women must be wise and not ‘weak-willed,’ CBMW council member Mary Kassian recently told more than 200 attendees of the Women’s Leadership Consultation Feb. 10-12 at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (SBTS).
February 24, 2005 By CBMW
Mary Kassian and Dorothy Patterson, authors of books on biblical womanhood, CBMW council members, and two teachers known for challenging women to think biblically about God-ordained roles for women in the church and home, led the conference’s sessions.