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May 25, 2006 By CBMW
Fathers, do you want to raise your sons to grow into God-honoring men who embrace authentic biblical manhood? Robert Lewis and Dennis Rainey have teamed up to publish a new resource to help fathers with the noble pursuit of raising modern-day knights.
May 18, 2006 By CBMW
Many evangelicals know Susan Wise Bauer as an advocate of a classical approach to home school education and, thus, may have been blindsided by the egalitarian view of gender roles that she informally—but unambiguously—set forth on her weblog this week.
May 16, 2006 By CBMW
The national board of directors for Vineyard Ministries recently developed a set of guidelines that essentially opens the door for female pastors and establishes an egalitarian view of gender roles within the denomination.
May 11, 2006 By CBMW
Those who hold an egalitarian view of gender roles in the home and church inevitably make at least a portion of their argument from one New Testament text: Galatians 3:28.
May 10, 2006 By CBMW
One of the most complete volumes of the biblical view of gender roles in the home and church is again available after several years of non-publication.
May 3, 2006 By CBMW
Besides making new the hearts of the Christian man and woman who have united in wedlock, what does the gospel have to do with a healthy marriage? Everything, say Gary and Betsy Ricucci in their new book, Love That Lasts: When Marriage Meets Grace.