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June 26, 2006 By CBMW
A recent trend toward full-blown egalitarianism continued to gather momentum in the Christian Reformed Church (CRC) this month during the denomination’s annual Synod when delegates made several strategic moves designed to open all church offices to women.
June 21, 2006 By CBMW
The words the church has used for nearly 1,700 years to describe the Trinity is apparently too male-centered for some in the Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA).
June 21, 2006 By CBMW
The Episcopal Church USA (ECUSA) became the first church in the Anglicanism’s 1,400-year history to elect a female as its leader. ECUSA bishops elected Katharine Jefferts Schori by a narrow 95-93 vote as the denomination’s 26th presiding bishop.
June 19, 2006 By CBMW
City Church, a strategic Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) congregation in San Francisco is leaving the denomination because its leadership has embraced an egalitarian view of female elders, the North California Presbytery announced last week.
June 8, 2006 By CBMW
It was a careful study of the Scriptures that led Alice Linsley to see the light of a complementarian view of gender roles after 18 years as an ordained priest in the liberal Episcopal Church USA (ECUSA).
June 6, 2006 By CBMW
The expansion of “gay marriage” in the United States would create clashes between church and state that might restrict the religious freedom of Americans who oppose such unions, legal scholars predict.