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October 16, 2006 By CBMW
The School of Leadership and Church Ministry at Southern Seminary will take a new approach to equipping students for local church ministry, but it will be centered around the family, new dean Randy Stinson–who also serves as CBMW executive director–told seminary trustees last week.
October 12, 2006 By CBMW
The Supreme Court Oct. 10 declined to hear a challenge to the federal Defense of Marriage Act, letting stand a law that gives states the option of banning “gay marriage.”
October 3, 2006 By CBMW
After five years of wrangling with the issue, The Vineyard USA has officially adopted a policy that opens the door of leadership to women in every office, including that of senior pastor.
September 26, 2006 By CBMW
Is evangelical feminism the slippery slope that bottoms out at liberalism? In his new book “Evangelical Feminism: A New Path to Liberalism?” theologian Wayne Grudem answers that question in the affirmative.
September 20, 2006 By CBMW
Leon Podles, author of The Church Impotent: The Feminization of Christianity, says that in the seven years since the release of his important book, the church has become even more feminized.
September 14, 2006 By CBMW
CBMW board member and evangelical scholar Wayne Grudem addressed the Torrey Honors Institute at Biola University in La Mirada, Calif., on the subject of biblical manhood and womanhood Sept. 8-9.