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November 6, 2015 By Scott Corbin
Perry Noble’s Advocacy of Women Preachers Perry Noble, pastor of New Spring church in South Carolina, has recently defended the idea that women should preach. You can read his defense here. He writes in a friendly spirit and says that he wants to clarify the situation rather than argue about the matter. Such friendly discussions...
November 3, 2015 By Greg Gibson
It’s inevitable. I have seen it over and over again. Whenever a preacher starts a sermon on the subject of marriage, I can see teenagers mentally checking out all over the place. The unsaid thought is clear—“This doesn’t apply to me right now! I’ll worry about it later.” The problem is, though, that if you’re a...
October 28, 2015 By CBMW
In the midst of the deafening, gale-force winds of the spirit of the age, someone has stood up, cleared his throat, and said, “We cannot be silent.” We Cannot Be Silent, the title of Dr. Albert Mohler’s newest book, represents decades worth of academic and cultural engagement by one of the leading lights of our time...
October 26, 2015 By CBMW
Rosaria Butterfield joins Scott Corbin on Danvers Audio to discuss her new book, Openness Unhindered, as well as the importance of hospitality and the normal means of grace.
October 26, 2015 By Greg Gibson
Last time I sought to lay out a brief biblical summons to God-glorifying, gospel-fueled ambition. He has vested us as men with leadership in our homes, our churches, and in some measure, our jobs and relationships. We do not to live lives void of real meaning, God has made us for a mission while we...
October 22, 2015 By Greg Gibson
From the moment we are born, our lives center around our daily routines. We rise with the sun and sleep when it sets. We work during the week and rest on the weekend. Our bellies are quick to tell us when we miss one of our thrice daily meals. We attend school during the fall,...