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March 30, 2016 By Greg Gibson
  I have found it increasingly effective in ministering to youth and children to quote sources from outside of the broad evangelical circle. For example, this past Sunday I used a clip of Christopher Hitchens quoting Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians in a debate with a Universalist. He may not have assented to the...
March 28, 2016 By Greg Gibson
Since I became a Christian, I have been fascinated by church history. Since “the past is a foreign country,” I have enjoyed studying how saints of old viewed the world in which they lived, knowing that Augustine’s Hippo or Calvin’s Geneva doesn’t exactly have a one-to-one correspondence to our modern American evangelical milieu. That being...
March 22, 2016 By Greg Gibson
One of the highlights any time I attend a conference is to take walk through the bookstore. And one of the major highlights of a conference like our 2016 conference, The Beauty of Complementarity, are the books we are able to give away thanks to our gracious sponsors. Since we announced the conference, we have kept...
March 21, 2016 By Greg Gibson
The Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood has brought on Candi Finch and Jeremy Kimble to serve as assistant editors for its Journal for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood (JBMW). The additions reflect the organization’s commitment to producing scholarly material that will serve pastors, churches, schools, and Christians looking to clarify their complementarian convictions. “I am...
March 18, 2016 By Scott Corbin
March 15, 2016 By Greg Gibson
As the mother of three daughters, I’ve had lots of opportunities to think about what I want them to know as they grow into women. I want the truth of the Bible to be reality for them, not some foreign and unusual concept. The spirit of our age rejects the Bible as bizarre, backwards, and...