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November 16, 2022 By CBMW
Editor’s note: The following essay appears in the Fall 2022 issue of Eikon. The Nashville Statement on Biblical Sexuality was released on August 29, 2017 with initial signatures from over 150 leaders spanning the evangelical world, including the late J.I. Packer and R.C. Sproul. Other notable signatories include John Piper, D.A. Carson, John MacArthur, Albert...
November 16, 2022 By CBMW
In May 2014, TIME magazine ran a cover story headlined “The Transgender Tipping Point.” It was now no longer possible to ignore the trans movement. Eight years later, it is no longer possible to ignore the irreversible damage being done to countless young people in the name of this false ideology. For years, concerns have...
November 16, 2022 By CBMW
Editor’s note: The following essay appears in the Fall 2022 issue of Eikon. When I left the office of CBMW on the last Monday of August 2017, I did not yet know what we were about to unleash. It was the eve of the public release of the Nashville Statement. Three days earlier, we had...
November 16, 2022 By CBMW
Editor’s note: The following essay appears in the Fall 2022 issue of Eikon. Introduction Untangling truth from error was first required in the Garden of Eden, where Satan posed to Eve, “Did God actually say?” (Gen 3: 1). The Psalmist noted living during a time when “there is nothing true in what they say. ....
October 24, 2022 By Denny Burk
When organizers announced the program for the first Revoice conference in 2018, the controversy surrounding the meeting was sharp and protracted. It was a conference appealing to so-called Side-B “gay Christians,” and it was founded in part as a repudiation of the Nashville Statement. Indeed, founder Nate Collins told Religion News Service in 2018 that...
October 18, 2022 By CBMW
What would happen if everyone stopped having children? The Children of Men — P.D. James’s 1992 dystopian novel about a world where women have become infertile — depicts one hopeless and chaotic outcome. The question her story raises is increasingly relevant across the Western world and in the United States, as my generation chooses, in...