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June 17, 2013 By CBMW Guest
By Lindsey Carlson Before I came to salvation I had pot-luck theology. I’d grabbed a little from this religion, a little from that one, making a cultural casserole of sorts. Eventually, I had a smorgasbord of side dish beliefs and Jesus Christ wasn’t even at the feast I called Christianity. The religion I preached was...
June 14, 2013 By CBMW Guest
By: Raymond Johnson I hated it. Everyday she replied with the same three-word answer.  It wasn’t derogatory or offensive, but it bothered me greatly.  I mean really, did she always have to reply with the same phrase? Did she always have to give the same response?  Acting as if I wasn’t really asking a question....
June 14, 2013 By CBMW Guest
  By Lori Harding   I saw a friend at church several weeks ago and as we passed each other that Sunday morning, he asked how I was. I know him pretty well. He is in the community group my husband and I have been attending for several years. Although I was crumbling inside, I...
June 13, 2013 By CBMW Guest
By Melissa McDonald I have a two year old and a one year old. I can get tired just thinking about it. But mostly I’m tired because they need me from early in the morning until they lay down at night (and often after they lay down). It’s tempting to make all my decisions based...
June 12, 2013 By CBMW Guest
  By Beverly Chao Berrus Weddings can be stress inducing. Being a third culture kid, I have witnessed complicated and tense exchanges in families as a result of differing ethnic or cultural expectations on either side. Maybe the mounting tension is over a difference of ceremony or reception preferences, or over the issue of whether...
June 11, 2013 By CBMW Guest
by Tim Wade I am an Eagle Scout. Two weeks ago the Boy Scouts of America voted to change their membership standards to allow openly gay youths to join the organization.  The wording of the resolution can be found here.  Like many people, I was not surprised.  I had expected the ruling for some time...