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August 14, 2013 By Trillia Newbell
This sweet baby sings Elvis and it is perhaps the funniest thing you’ll see this week. What will most-likely melt your heart, however,  is her saying, “Daddy! Hi Daddy,” over and over again.     (HT: Kevin DeYoung)
August 13, 2013 By CBMW Guest
By Jeremy Dys Brett McCracken has written a brilliant article in response to a bad article.  Ok, maybe brilliant overstates it, but it is nevertheless worthwhile and timely.  Here’s the payoff paragraph from McCracken: Millennials: why don’t we take our pastors, parents, and older Christian brothers and sisters out to coffee and listen to them? Perhaps instead of...
August 13, 2013 By CBMW Guest
By Jasmine Baucham  Last year was my first year teaching at Trinity Classical School, a collaborative private school that I love. I taught fourteen bright-eyed students, who I love. I taught them beautiful things, which I love. And yet… as the school year ended, I sat on my bed amid my books, utterly deflated. On...
August 12, 2013 By CBMW Guest
  By Joshua Crutchfield In a recent article published by Time Magazine, entitled “None is Enough,” Lauren Sandler presents the growing trend of couples opting to live what she calls a “childfree” life.  She uses the term childfree to highlight the positive decision couples make in not having children.  In a 2010 survey, it was...
August 12, 2013 By CBMW Guest
by Preston Hagaman I married a creative. She loves painting, crafts and photography. I am about as straight laced and type “A” as they come. I love to read, write and there is not an artistic or creative bone in my body. The Lord has gifted us each in different ways and each for His...
August 12, 2013 By CBMW Guest
By Candice Watters Question I am a 29-year-old female. God has blessed me with a good career, which I love and am passionate about. During my single years, I’ve had the freedom of being able to focus on my career as well as serve God in various ministries within the church. I used to believe that maybe God did intend...