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September 11, 2013 By Trillia Newbell
By Trillia Newbell I’ve been thinking about Bible study lately and yesterday’s interview with Elyse Fitzpatrick only reinforced those thoughts. I want to know God’s word. I want to truly understand it, apply it, and properly reference it. The older I get the more eager I am to know God—the only way to know God...
September 10, 2013 By Trillia Newbell
By Trillia Newbell Her motto is “no fluff, no bricks, just good news” but it took time for Elyse Fitzpatrick to come to this desire for ministry and for life. At 62 and after 40 years of walking with the Lord, Elyse has not exhausted all that there is to learn about Christ and the...
September 9, 2013 By CBMW Guest
By Jeremy Dys At the first meeting of the City Council for the newly formed Zion, Illinois in 1902, the Reverend John Alexander Dowie presented the city with a proposed corporate seal.  Rev. Dowie had created a shield draped by a ribbon reading, “God Reigns” within a circle of the words, “Corporate Seal” and “City...
September 9, 2013 By CBMW Guest
by Kyle Worley Far too often, congregants leave their church gatherings discouraged, thinking, “If only the pastor knew what it was like to work with her/him.  How can I trust what he says about how the gospel shapes the way I work at my job?  He works at a church…” While there is a certain...
September 6, 2013 By CBMW Guest
The Story:  “With Obamacare, business doesn’t have a prayer” by Matt Bowman writing in the Washington Times, 9/5/13 The Lead:  “Under American law, modern corporations can pursue any lawful purpose, including religion. That’s been true for a century. Religion is lawful in America, and so are environmental stewardship and social advocacy. These are all ‘values’ that...
September 6, 2013 By CBMW Guest
By Amy L. Bennett “Since it is so likely that (children) will meet cruel enemies, let them at least have heard of brave knights and heroic courage. Otherwise you are making their destiny not brighter but darker.” ― C.S. Lewis My three sons race down our road, throwing wide-eyed glances over their shoulders to see who...