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October 24, 2013 By CBMW Guest
By Catherine Parks I recently attended a baby shower at which several women sat around and told labor stories. As we sat and talked, I realized how special it was to be with women who had experienced all manner of births—natural, medicated, C-section, induction, and even a new mom hoping to have a home birth—and...
October 23, 2013 By CBMW Guest
By Derick Dickens Socialization – the word is not a bad word, but it is often used poorly to make a point about the need for children to be around other children.  But when you look at the evidence, you must conclude that socialization has little to do with the amount of time they have...
October 23, 2013 By CBMW Guest
  The Story: “Charlotte Church: Young stars forced to be ‘hypersexualized'” as reported by The Christian Institute. The Lead:  “The singer, now 27, said young female artists were routinely ‘coerced into sexually demonstrative behaviour in order to hold on to their careers’. “In a feature for the Daily Record newspaper, a former music magazine editor said artists...
October 23, 2013 By Trillia Newbell
CBMW has recently added a new feature to our site and it is rockin’. If you haven’t checked it out yet, go on over to the Book Reviews channel to keep up with the latest (and a few oldies). Our Book Reviews channel is led by David Schrock and assisted by Samuel Emadi. Go on...
October 22, 2013 By CBMW Guest
By Derick Dickens “If no one is harmed, why should you care?” Used as a tool to advocate a number of issues from prostitution, legalizing drugs, to homosexual marriage, the “no harm” argument has found a new potency in the modern political arena.  However, the end results will be devastating. One issue often advanced by...
October 22, 2013 By CBMW Guest
By Lindsey Carlson One week before school started our church held a parent meeting to introduce their new midweek children’s program. I’d gone for information but ended up volunteering to lead a class. In the car on the way home I explained my impulsive decision to my husband: “They needed help teaching, I love to...