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December 18, 2013 By Candice Watters
by Candice Watters It was T-minus-30 till our small group would descend on our just-decorated family room for a Christmas party. With only the punch to make, table to set and brownies to bake, cool and cut, I was feeling fairly optimistic about being able to get the final details in place before the first...
December 18, 2013 By CBMW Guest
  By Kyle Worley Have you ever happened to run across some clips from the Air Guitar World Championship? Trust me, if you have not yet had the opportunity, it is a great way to waste 15-minutes of your next free evening.  These guys jump on stage, in front of a huge crowd, and shred for...
December 18, 2013 By CBMW Guest
By Rondi Lauterbach ‘Tis the season to be overwhelmed and the countdown to Christmas is going strong. It’s not only the shopping and baking and decorating and wrapping and shipping, it’s that we can’t hit the pause button on the rest of life.  I just got off the phone with my daughter. She’s overwhelmed with...
December 17, 2013 By CBMW Guest
By: Derrick Dickens These questions are being answered in the court system and most recently in a case decided in the state of Colorado. In a ruling that will shake many Christian small business owners, a Christian baker was ordered  to  provide his services for a gay marriage reception even if it disagrees with his...
December 17, 2013 By Courtney Reissig
By Courtney Reissig Editor’s Note: This is the second post in a three part series on hope for the holidays. You can read the first post here. Christmas is an exciting and joyous time. There is so much joy brought into our lives this time of year—parties, family, lights, decorations, and even shopping for presents. It’s the...
December 16, 2013 By CBMW Guest
By Tommy Kiker I remember wondering why I could not have the little piece of bread and the small cup of juice that my friend Noel was able to take. I did not question my parents on that Sunday morning, but later asked my mom and she explained that Noel had given his life to...