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January 27, 2014 By CBMW Guest
By Christina Fox   “I just don’t know what to do.” I said to my husband. “I feel so helpless.” One of my boys has been going through something and I don’t know what to do to help him. I feel inadequate, helpless, and insufficient. And I don’t like it. One of my greatest struggles...
January 22, 2014 By CBMW Guest
(This is post #4 in our new Manhood and Technology Series. You can read the prior posts here: Manhood and Technology || Introducing a New Series, the Two Views of Smartphones article, and the Why I Kissed Social Media Goodbye article) By Chris Crane From MacBooks, iPhones, and iPads to Skype, Snapchat, and Instagram, we have become a society...
January 22, 2014 By CBMW Guest
By Elisha Galotti  We live at a time when, in new and powerful ways, popular culture and social media invite us to find our identity in what is visible, what is seen. The combination of Hollywood’s power along with millions of individuals continually uploading picture-perfect images of their lives can leave us tricked into believing...
January 20, 2014 By CBMW Guest
(This is post #3 in our new Manhood and Technology Series. You can read the introduction post here: Manhood and Technology || Introducing a New Series and the Two Views of Smartphones article.) By Adam Groza I’m not a technophobe. This post is not about the evils of technology, nor am I using a typewriter by candlelight....
January 20, 2014 By CBMW Guest
By Luma Simms Gospel amnesia ushers in idolatry and vice versa. It is imperative that we discern, expose and destroy the set of idols that tempt us within our Christian subculture. In his sermon, The Grand Demythologizer, Pastor Timothy Keller uses the text from Acts 19:23–41 to discuss the discerning, exposing, and challenging the idols...
January 17, 2014 By Candice Watters
by Candice Watters Recently a close unmarried friend asked me about her struggle with Facebook. In the process of answering her question, I was reminded how much her struggle is my own. She wrote: I was off Facebook completely for a few years, but I rejoined this spring when I was unemployed. I decided I...