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June 3, 2014 By CBMW Guest
I read a great deal. I read books — actual books and also on a kindle — websites, blogs, and newspapers. In a certain sense, as a pastor/church planter, I read out of delight, but I also read out of necessity to maintain a pulse on current events and a sense of history. Several weeks...
June 3, 2014 By CBMW Guest
Jennifer Griffin I was 13 years old when it all started. I was a little on the awkward side, I wore a retainer and I rarely styled my hair. I often dressed in baggy t-shirts and hand-me-down jeans. I was happy, loved and accepted in my own home, but I suddenly felt out of place...
June 2, 2014 By CBMW Guest
By Kyle Worley As we have been reflecting on some of the corruptions of biblical manhood, I think that it is high time that we take an opportunity to apologize for the impact and influence any of these corruptions have had on the home, the church, or the culture. Without a doubt it is one of...
May 30, 2014 By Greg Gibson
  By Greg Gibson The transgender issue has found itself in the cultural spotlight this week. Time Magazine’s bold cover of Laverne Cox—a transgendered woman—brings this issue directly onto center stage.  This is a colossal milestones in the Public Square. It’s as if the Time Magazine cover piece is the “door blown open acceptance” of...
May 29, 2014 By CBMW Guest
By Christina Fox Hearing my boys arguing in their room, I walked in to see what happened. “I can hear you guys all the way in the kitchen. Are you using the skills you learned from our conflict resolution lessons?” “No,” my oldest responded. “I forget what they are.” My heart sighed and I reviewed...
May 28, 2014 By Candice Watters
by Candice Watters I have a picture in my mind of my Nana’s hands. As she aged, her skin got thinner, her veins popped up more from the surface, and they seemed bluer. She always kept them soft with lotion–like well-oiled leather–and I loved to stroke them and pull her skin up like raw skin...