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July 29, 2014 By Courtney Reissig
By Courtney Reissig Editor’s Note: We have all experienced unmet desires or feelings of deep longing at some point in our lives. We have wanted things and wondered if those wants really could be reconciled with our faith in Christ. Jen Pollock Michel understands what it means to want. She also has struggled to connect...
July 24, 2014 By Greg Gibson
By Greg Gibson Not to beat the proverbial dead horse, but getting married young is still a good thing. Aye, it is an incredible thing. A noble thing. A thing to be admired from the mountaintops. So, now that I have my conclusion out of the way, let me tell you why getting married at...
July 24, 2014 By CBMW Guest
By Lauren Dunn It was a good sermon.  It really was – the pastor made a strong, biblical case for a fundamental difference between men and women. But he stopped there. Once he established the fact that men and women are different and that there is a scriptural mandate for their different roles, the sermon...
July 22, 2014 By CBMW Guest
By Tim Sweetmen   If you asked me a few years ago if in the span of three years I’d get married, graduate college, have a baby, live in three states, and work three different jobs — well, I’d probably slap you. Yet here I am once again with a sore back and tape residue...
July 22, 2014 By CBMW Guest
  By Christel Humfrey Lately I’ve been frustrated with my limitations. Since getting sick with an autoimmune disease I seem to need sleep like a baby on a growth spurt. I feel keenly aware of those extra 2-3 hours that I spend sleeping while others are being productive. Truthfully, I feel embarrassed about it. I...
July 21, 2014 By CBMW Guest
By Aaron Cline Hanbury NOTE: As CBMW President, it’s my pleasure to introduce a brand-new project of the organization: CBMW Longform. We love the current trend of telling great stories at the length needed to get to know a person, and so we’re beginning this exciting initiative to tell the story of complementarianism–and complementarians. Theology, after...