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September 5, 2013 By CBMW Guest
The Story:  “Christian bakery closes after LGBT threats, protests” by Todd Starnes posted on September 3, 2013 at The Lead:  “’Everybody is entitled to their own beliefs, but that doesn’t mean that folks have the right to discriminate,’ he told the newspaper. ‘The goal is to rehabilitate. For those who do violate the law,...
September 4, 2013 By CBMW Guest
By Derrick Dickens: Guest Blogger Derick Dickens has an MBA in Leadership, MDiv, and MA in Religion.  He speaks regularly on topics ranging from Christian Worldview issues to business leadership, and he is an Adjunct Professor of Business and Human Resources.  He writes today in response to this Leading Edge Post regarding the 9th Circuit...
September 4, 2013 By CBMW Guest
By Greg Scott My first two posts on the increasing state encroachment on Christian conscience provided, first, background on the Elane Photography case, and then outlined possible Christian responses to the burgeoning threat illustrated by that case. I presented two unacceptable responses – abandon faith and abandon the public square – and recommended a third...
August 30, 2013 By CBMW Guest
by Kyle Worley Like Neo in the Matrix. Like a unicorn outside of a fairy tale. The “one” is a mythical concept that leads us to believe that there is only “One” out there who can meet our deepest needs.  Countless romantic comedies revolve around the notion of the “One,” and love songs ooze with...
August 30, 2013 By CBMW Guest
The Story: “How does a polyamorous relationship between four people work?” by Jo Fidgen.  August 18, 2013.  BBC News Magazine Online The Lead: “Polyamory is the practice of having simultaneous intimate relationships with more than one person at a time, with the knowledge and consent of all partners. The term entered the Oxford English Dictionary only...
August 29, 2013 By CBMW Guest
By Greg Scott Should Christians – can Christians – “compromise?” In Tuesday’s post, “Compelled to Compromise,” I covered the troubling Aug. 22 New Mexico Supreme Court decision involving a young Christian photographer accused of “sexual orientation discrimination.” The unanimous ruling upheld the “discrimination” charge against Elaine Huguenin who declined to use her art to promote...