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January 16, 2014 By CBMW Guest
By Katie McCoy “There is a moral panic in America over young women’s sexuality and it’s been breathing new life into a very old idea.” So says Jessica Valenti, founder of and author of The Purity Myth: How America’s Obsession with Virginity is Hurting Young Women. Dubbed the “poster-girl for third-wave feminism,” Valenti claims...
January 13, 2014 By CBMW Guest
By Dave Jenkins Biblical manhood is an idea that is extremely neglected in our society today. Popular culture emphasizes to men that they are to be like their favorite sports hero—super-strong or superhuman, able to conquer all and take no prisoners. The problems with this are many—from the fact that it promotes pride, which God...
January 2, 2014 By CBMW Guest
By Michael Berry: In 2003, the United States Supreme Court issued the landmark decision of Lawrence v. Texas, in which it declared Texas’ anti-sodomy law unconstitutional.  Homosexual rights advocates celebrated while those who support the traditional, Judeo-Christian view of the family lamented.  United States Senator Rick Santorum famously—perhaps infamously—observed: “If the Supreme Court says that you...
December 31, 2013 By CBMW Guest
By Lori Harding The beginning of a New Year brings the hope of renewal, a fresh start, and clean slate. That is what I used to think. However, the ball has dropped, the tinsel is fading, and celebrations are over. The new year is here and things have not changed. I guess I have lived...
December 23, 2013 By Greg Gibson
By Rusty McKie Light shines most brightly in the dark.  In the Old Testament, we find God’s people in bondage to the slavery of sin and often to the oppressive nations around them.  In the dark, they waited.  In the dark, they hoped for the coming of a light to shine on them.  God’s people...
December 20, 2013 By CBMW Guest
By Jeremiah G. Dys, Esq. With apologies to Martin Niemoller . . . First they came for the Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association, but I wasn’t a retreat center, so, I did nothing. When, they came for Tim Tebow, I wasn’t a Heisman-winning quarterback, so I did nothing. When they came  for Craig James, I wasn’t...