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October 6, 2014 By CBMW Guest
By Joey Cochran   Squandering time is an everyday affair for most men. Quite honestly we obsess over distraction. We’ll get lost in Reddit, YouTube, and Twitter. Sports statistics at ESPN, crazy car factoids from Top Gear, and random Duck Commander trivia fills our brains. Many of us go dark right about now due to...
October 2, 2014 By CBMW Guest
By Lore Ferguson Somewhere in my mid-twenties my virginity became a source of embarrassment for me, and I wasn’t surprised. I was one of few in my community (married or single) who had maintained that single shred of chastity. My married friends were procreating often enough that it was no secret who was having lots...
October 1, 2014 By CBMW Guest
By Tim Sweetman   The irony of writing an article on decision-making is not lost on me. As an incredibly young man, the amount of tough calls and life altering decisions I’ve made is laughable. Thankfully amidst a world full of options, choices, and decisions, God has provided me with the same Holy Spirit and...
September 25, 2014 By CBMW Guest
By Lindsey Carlson I have never felt like an older thirty-two-year-old than I have this week. Yes, ladies above 32, you may commence eye-rolling. Having the chance to fellowship with a bride too young to have celebrated her first wedding anniversary and moms still cleaning off the warm spit-up of their newborns, does that to...
September 24, 2014 By CBMW Guest
By Ryan Rindels   That men fulfill their role as protector of their family and community is intuitive to such a degree that we assume it will happen. When it doesn’t, the world takes notice. General Revelation (God’s disclosure of his nature and law through creation and conscience) teaches that the strong ought to protect...
September 22, 2014 By CBMW Guest
By David Sons   The call upon the man to provide is rooted deep in the beginning of all things. In Genesis chapter 2, God gives Adam the creation mandate, namely to fill the earth, subdue it, have dominion over it, and then use its rich resources as a means to provide for himself and...