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Topic > Manhood

May 12, 2014 By CBMW Guest
By Cole Feix It’s lonely at the top.  Relentless hard work, insatiable drive, and the will to win make the man.  Heroes are the ones who rise above the crowds; they’re the ones who put the team on their back.  They make the shot when it’s do or die. But nobody is larger than life....
May 9, 2014 By CBMW Guest
 By Kyle Worley The light from her lamp illuminated the base of the door to my bedroom. I can still remember waking up and walking to edge of my door to make out what her whispers said. I could hear faint words, “Lord, would you protect my sons…would they grow up to love you…would they...
May 2, 2014 By CBMW Guest
By Ricky Alcantar We met for lunch because my friend was looking for counsel about how to react to the actions of a man in his extended family. This particular family member represents the essence of machismo, with a successful business, a nice car, and swagger. Lately he’d been making a halfhearted attempt to conceal an...
April 28, 2014 By CBMW Guest
By Jeff Medders Do you remember Geoffrey the giraffe? What about the painfully catchy tune, their retail battle cry and hymn? I don’t wanna grow up; I’m a Toys-R-Us kid. If you learn one thing from this post: Never trust a giraffe. Theology from a giraffe is never a good thing. From my limited experience,...
April 21, 2014 By CBMW Guest
By Adam Griffin It didn’t take me long as a child to form the primitive hypothesis that boys were better than girls. It was easy to prove since we were stronger, faster, funnier, and most importantly I was one of them and I loved being the best. Sure many of the girls beat me in...
April 19, 2014 By CBMW Guest
By T.D. Hurst Friday marked the beginning of Holy Week, yesterday it was Palm Sunday. In Holy Week we remember the last week of Jesus’ earthly ministry, the time he spent physically present bringing the Kingdom of God into our reality. One of the amazing things that we ought to remember is that this week represents...